Beer Pong Rules

Discover the ultimate beer pong rules for harmonious evenings full of fun and excitement! Learn the official rules, special throws like "Trick Shot" and "On fire", as well as the variant for social distancing. Win with fair play and enjoy the game. Visit our website for premium beer pong tables! Bottom up! 🍻
This is what awaits you in this article
Preparation of the beer pong match
Throwing rules and throwing types
the end of the game
Social Distance Beer Pong Rules


Beer pong rules are a very controversial subject. Everyone has their own house rules and it's not uncommon for small arguments to arise. To ensure that your future beer pong evenings run harmoniously and peacefully, you will find our official BeerBaller set of rules here Download PDF.

You are welcome to print them out, hang them on the wall or rub them under the noses of your game partners in the event of arguments.

Preparation of the beer pong match

Form 2 teams of 2 players. Each team receives 2 balls and 10 cups filled with beer (10 beer bottles are usually enough for 2 cups, depending on need). In addition, there is a cup filled with water for cleaning the balls during the game.

Rock, paper, scissors are used to decide at the beginning which team will start throwing. Each team can then take turns throwing, each team member always has a throw. In case of a hit, the opponent must drink this cup and put it away.

Throwing rules and throwing types

Throw as you like, the important thing is: ELBOW BEHIND THE TABLE! Make sure you don't stand too close to the table so that your elbow doesn't protrude over the edge of the table when throwing. This invalidates your roll!

The ball hits the table
You can also throw in such a way that the ball hits the plate once and only then (at best) lands in the cup. But watch out! There are special features here!
Defense: If the ball has already landed on the plate, the opposing team has the opportunity to knock the ball away. So they can defend their cups.
Gentlemen: No fingers or blowing! If the ball is in the cup, no defense is possible!

If the ball bounces on the table and the opponents didn't manage to defend their cups, they have to drink an extra cup!

2 pointers: Players both hit in a cup- Balls Back!
If the two team players meet in 2 different cups, these must of course both be drunk by the opposing team. In addition, the players get their two balls back and can both throw again.

3 pointers: Two hits in the same cup
If both players scored in the same cup, a total of 3 cups must be drunk. Here, the meeting team can decide which additional cups must be drunk. Also in this case both players get their balls back!


Heating up: If a player hits twice in a row, he is heating up - heating up!

On fire: If a player hits three times in a row, then he is on fire. That person may throw until he no longer hits.

Iceland: If a cup stands alone without neighboring cups, "Island" may be said. However, each player may only announce this once within the entire game. If the single cup is hit after the announcement, the opposing team must drink an extra cup. However, if the player hits one of the other cups, that hit does not count.

Trick shot: If the ball on the plate comes back to your half of the table after your throw, you can throw again. It is important that you take it quickly so that you can play again, because if your opponent gets it, your chance of an additional throw is wasted. Now it must be a trick shot! You must perform a trick while throwing, such as throwing with your back to the plate or under your leg. If you need inspiration, you can read our blog about extraordinary trick shots.

the end of the game

When all of a team's cups have been hit once, the game is over. But fair play! Even the losers get another chance!
Redemption: If the last cup was also hit, the losing team can throw again. 2 throws, one per player.

Overtime: If the Redemption is successful, the cards are reshuffled! Two pyramids of 3 are placed next to each other in the middle of the table. Danger! You can easily hit your own mugs here!

Sudden Death: If a hit cup is not completely drunk during the game and is hit by an opponent, the entire game is immediately lost.

Social Distance Beer Pong Rules

  • The starting team throws 1x. After that, each team has 2 throws, 1 throw per thrower.
  • Rock, paper, scissors is used to decide which team starts.
  • Leaning over allowed subject to the following: - In no case may a player throw any part of his body on (to) the table. - Hands must not touch the table during the throw. - The cups must not be moved to gain an advantage by leaning over. Cups that have moved must be returned to their position, all cups that have fallen over count as a hit.
  • Defensive is, logically, not possible online, trash talk is allowed.
  • Bouncing is allowed. If hit, only one cup is removed due to the lack of defense.
  • As soon as a cup is hit, it is removed.
  • Cups are stacked at 6, 3, and 1 cups to form a pyramid.
  • If both throwers hit in the same round, they get an extra rollback throw, except during a follow-up throw.
  • Special case: The team that did not start the match may follow suit. - If there is more than one last cup, the following team may throw as long as cups are hit. If a throw goes wrong, it's game over. The following throwers must take turns. - If there is only one cup left, "As many throws as there are balls on the side" applies, for example: Opposing team does not hit the first throw, they don't get a second throw. -- Opposing team hits the first throw, you get one Recap chance Opposing team hits last two or three cups, 2 recaps
  • Special case overtime: The trailing team has a chance of overtime by hitting all remaining cups: - 3 pyramid-shaped cups. - The dominant team starts with 2 throws. - Same rules as Rethrow and Rollback